Sunday, March 25, 2012

I was drawn by the music

As many of you know I'm a man of faith. Music goes strait to my heart. It stirs the spirit and puts me in touch with my God. So just around the corner from where I'm staying is a Methodist Church, I could hear the Praise songs, I had to go join in. Yes, I could follow along with some of the sermon, however with it being in Spanish I could only get so much of it. Attending, I realized how much I miss going to a regular Sunday meeting. A perfect day of reflection, I have a month before I return to the States to visit family and figure out my next adventure. The time here has gone slow and fast. There have been days that I've just wanted to pack up and go home (the States) and days that have been nothing but some of the best experiences of my life. A wise person once told me look forward never back.

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