Thursday, March 8, 2012

I learned some things yesterday

My day was filled with learning experiences. My Spanish is better than I thought, when there is no one else to help I search for the translation more diligently. And yesterday I was surprised how much I could communicate with the Tico guide. He was communicating with me getting all the reference points to build relationships. He carried a bottle of cafe, which he shared, but no water. We wondered, how does that work, well he has a cup for the cafe, and rather than carry the water, he knows where to drink from the springs on the property. I learned the medicinal use of one plant that I have on my property, and was shown how to harvest heart of palm, that stuffs very good. I learned how to open up a coconut, get the liquid out and then crack it open without a big machete. Good filling food, nutritional super food. I was glad that my family has horses, my kind of horse, she basically followed the leader. Not sore today, which is a good thing.

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